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Welcome to Business School of Liaoning University

Founded in 1948, Business School of Liaoning University was formerly known as the Teaching and Research Division of Industrial Economics and Accounting at the Northeast Commercial School. In 1995, the previous three main departments formed the School of Business Administration: Department of Business Administration, Department of Finance and Accounting, and Department of Marketing. And in March 2010, it was finally retitled as ‘Business School’.



44.jpgBusiness School  sits within the Liaoning University is  made up of seven distinct departments: Business Administration, Accounting, Auditing, Human Resource Management, Marketing,Tourism Management, and Management Science and Engineering. The School also has an MBA Education Center, EMBA Education Center, Master of Professional Accounting and Auditing Education Center, Research Center for Teaching Innovation, Case Study, and Tourism Planning. At the same time, it holds key research bases on Humanities and Social Sciences for Ordinary Higher Institutions in Liaoning Province, including the Research Center for Modern Corporate Governance and Growth, the Provincial Higher Educational Talent Training Base for Senior Management Operation, and the Tailored Training Base for Special Talents as Certified Public Accountants of CICPA.



55.jpgThe School is entitled to confer doctor’s degree of business administration as first-level discipline. It has four authorized doctor’s degree programs, including Business Management, Technological Economics and Management, Accounting and Tourism Management. A post-doctoral mobile research center for Business Administration is also established.



For the master degree program,  the School is entitled to confer academic master’s degree of five authorized programs: Business Management, Accounting, Technological Economics and Management, Tourism Management, and Management Science and Engineering, and  five professional master’s degree programs  of MBA, EMBA, MPAcc, Maud, and Master of Assets Evaluation to offer.




The School also offers a choice of  six high quality undergraduate degree courses of  Business Administration, Accounting, Marketing, Tourism Management, Human Resource Management, and Project Management, which aims to suit the different needs and interests of the students.





The School is an academic research and teaching environment with seventy-two teaching staff, where consists of twenty professors, ten doctorial supervisors, and thirty associate professors. Over eighty percent of these academic staff holds their doctor’s degree. Furthermore, some of the teaching staffs are the members of the Disciplinary Appraisal Panels under the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, and some are granted the special subsidy by the State Council, and some are selected as one of the hundred talents in the Project of Hundred-Thousand-Ten-Thousand Talents of Liaoning Province. In the meantime, the school also recruits many distinguished experts and scholars or successful industrial elites as its guest professors.


Business School, in accordance with the spirit of Liaoning University motto, ‘Noble in Morality, Extensive in Learning, Tenacious in Action and Independent in Spirit’, will constantly look for the truth and be practical in a scientific way and strive to have a profound impact along with the construction of a top business school at home in the future.

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